Severe Back Injury: VA Disability Rating for Back Injury

It’s said that you don’t notice how critical your back is until you hurt it. Many veterans know this to be true, since severe back injuries are unfortunately common among servicemen and women. Though most people will encounter at least a minor back problem at some point in their lifetime, severe back injuries can seriously limit the way a person lives their life.

Severe back injuries are painful and limit the way a person moves. Sprains, strains, and herniated disks are a few of the most common back injuries. Fractured vertebrae can also permanently change a person’s way of life. Any back injury that jeopardizes someone’s long-term ability to earn a living or spend quality time with their family and loved ones can be considered severe. Understanding the VA disability rating for back injury can help give veterans context for their injuries.

VA Disability Ratings for Back Injuries

Back injuries are often rated based on the range of motion of the veteran’s spine. The range of motion of both the cervical and thoracolumbar spine will be measured, and a rating will be assigned based on the measurements. Of course, things like periods of incapacitation can also be factored into the rating.

Not every back injury limits a person’s range of motion. Arthritis and intervertebral disc syndrome are rated based on how incapacitating the conditions are on the veteran, while those with paralysis of the sciatic nerve are rated based on their degree of paralysis.

Every patient is different, so the VA disability rating for degenerative disc disease can differ drastically from veteran to veteran under the VA disability rating for lower back pain. 

Common Causes of Spinal Injuries

When a person joins the military, they volunteer their body and mind for use under extreme circumstances. Loss of limb is perhaps the injury most commonly associated with combat, but many servicemen and women suffer from afflictions that are easier to overlook. Some return home with spinal injuries stemming from running around while wearing heavy armor, while others sustain such injuries in motor vehicle incidents while on active duty. Most of the time, while downrange when an injury occurs, it’s not possible to be seen by a medical facility to take x-rays or be evaluated on the severity of the injury.

Because these kinds of injuries are not caused directly by an enemy attack, the veterans are not awarded the Purple Heart or included on lists of servicemen and women injured in combat zones. Still, these spinal injuries can have a long-term and sometimes permanent impact on the veteran.

Specific Challenges of Back Injuries

When a person injures their foot, they may find themselves out of commission and on bed rest while they recuperate. A pair of crutches or wheelchair help them get around while their foot heals. For those with back injuries, though, the solution is rarely as simple.

Because doctors cannot see the tendons, ligaments, and muscles as they can bone fractures, back injuries are often incredibly difficult to treat. Instead of a straightforward prescription of bed rest or medication, medical professionals must go the trial and error route, gauging their patient’s reaction to targeted and sometimes painful treatment. Even exercise, commonly recommended to people recovering from accidents, can exacerbate back injuries.

Since the spine is so critically important to how the human body moves, even activities like sleeping, walking, and sitting can become painful for a person with a back injury. Time in front of the computer, stress, and the most gentle exercise can jeopardize the progress of someone with a back injury. Such injuries affect virtually everything a person does and can be worsened in ways you least expect, making them one of those most challenging afflictions with which a veteran can be diagnosed. 

How The Veterans Law Group Can Help

If you are a veteran suffering from a back injury or damage to your spine from your service in the military, the Veterans Law Group can help. No matter what the VA disability rating for your back injury might be, we can offer insight into your claim and guidance for your next step. If you are unhappy with the decision from the VA, an attorney can be your best advocate. Contact an attorney at the Veterans Law Group at 888-811-0523.

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