What is adjustment disorder and why do many veterans experience it?

Adjustment disorder is a recognized psychiatric disability condition shared by many veterans. It often has profound impacts on their day-to-day work and personal lives. Monthly VA disability benefit ...

What VA disability claim documentation is needed for PTSD?

VA disability benefit payments are available to veterans with service-connected PTSD. Maybe you or your loved one are entitled to receive them.

What VA Disability Rating should I expect for PTSD?

What are common PTSD triggers for veterans?

Are you a veteran triggered into having nightmares, flashbacks, overly negative thoughts, decreased interest in activities, irritability or aggression, risky or destructive behavior, hypervigilance, ...

What are common signs of PTSD for veterans?

You’re not “crazy.” Experiencing nightmares, flashbacks, overly negative thoughts, decreased interest in activities, irritability or aggression, risky or destructive behavior, hypervigilance, feeling ...

Why is it so hard for veterans to make a psychiatric disability VA Claim?

Veterans who make psychiatric disability claims are often at a disadvantage in getting their VA disability compensation claims paid, but there are some ways to make things easier.

Top Myths About PTSD [updated for 2022]

Post-traumatic stress disorder continues to remain a much-misunderstood condition.

Married to PTSD: What is Secondary PTSD?

A soldier coming home is a happy time, a glorious reunion with loved ones. We’ve all seen the online videos romanticizing a soldier surprising their family with the homecoming.

Compensation & Pension Exam for Veterans With PTSD: What to Expect

A compensation and pension exam (“C&P Exam”) is a required step in getting VA disability claims processed and approved.

Delayed Treatment Could Make PTSD Symptoms Permanent

What is Delayed-Onset PTSD? Post-traumatic stress disorder is a mental condition that sometimes emerges in the aftermath of facing a life-threatening situation. This can happen in civilian life, like ...
