Personality Disorder Claims

Recently, the United States Army and the United States National Institute of Mental Health conducted a large-scale study on the mental health of military members. The majority of the data used for the study was the Army’s Study to Assess Risks and Resilience in Service members (STARRS) survey of approximately 5,500 active duty soldiers. Out of that number, almost 25% suffered from a mental disorder of some kind and 11% out of that percentage suffered from more than one.

Many military members are subsequently diagnosed with a personality disorder. But personality disorders are not recognized within the VA system as disabilities. Despite this, personality disorders are commonly diagnosed. It is vital that a diagnosis of this type not be accepted without a private evaluation to determine if it truly is a pre-existing condition that is not related to military service. Many times, the personality disorder is actually the manifestation of the initial signs of a psychiatric condition resulting from service.

The process of getting benefits from the VA is often an exhausting and frustrating process. The Veterans Law Group is well-versed in the process and in the VA Schedule of Ratings Disabilities. We are a team of attorneys, advocates, and veterans that specialize in the claims process and our sole duty is to get disabled veterans the benefits they deserve.

Medical evaluation reports are an important part of a successful claim. The VA has medical professionals working for them, not for the disabled veteran. For many claims, independent medical reports are necessary and the VLG will obtain these for the client. These reports often make all the difference for our clients.

Don’t settle for less than what you deserve as a veteranContact us today so that we can help you navigate the waters of the VA claims process.