Veterans frequently contact The Veterans Law Group (VLG) in cases where the VA proposes a reduction of their disability ratings. It is important to be aware that VA law provides for protection ...

The Relationship Between the VA and VSOs: What You Need to Know

As a Veteran, understanding the relationship between the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and Veteran Service Officers (VSOs) is crucial in navigating your benefits and claims.

What VA Disability Rating should I expect for Bipolar disorder?

Bipolar disorder in veterans is all too common. Approximately 5.2 million veterans have experienced a behavioral health condition according to the US Department of Health and Human Service. ...

What VA disability claim documentation is needed for PTSD?

VA disability benefit payments are available to veterans with service-connected PTSD. Maybe you or your loved one are entitled to receive them.

What Should I Do If the Board of Veterans’ Appeals (BVA) Remands My Claim(s)?

So you just received your Board decision from the Board of Veteran Appeals (“BVA” of “Board”) and eagerly skimmed through pages of discussion to find the outcome. Did they agree that you should ...

Questions to Ask Before Selecting a VA Disability Attorney for Your Claim

Choosing the right lawyer to handle your VA disability case can be the deciding factor in whether you receive the disability benefits you need. It is vital that you choose an attorney with experience ...

If My VA Treating Doctor Will Not Write An Opinion In My Favor, Where Can I Find One Who Will?

This, in my opinion, is the most important yet most difficult challenge for disabled veterans.

RAMP: An Option for Veterans

RAMP: What is it and is it right for me? The Department of Veterans Affairs is notorious for its red tape. Some injured veterans hoping for disability benefits spend months building a thorough ...

I’ve Been Diagnosed with a Personality Disorder. Does That Mean I Can’t Get VA Disability Compensation?

Military service demands certain sacrifices, but few realize just how demanding active duty can be on a person’s mental state. While much is made about post-traumatic stress disorder and depression, ...

Retrospective Medical Opinions

The Challenge of Sparse Medical Records We are all familiar with cases involving sparse medical records. Claim folders with minimal treatment records, both service and post-service, pose a challenge ...
