PTSD Guide - Part 1

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a condition that many Veterans have heard of, but may not be familiar with its particulars, or even whether or not they are suffering from it. PTSD is ...


3 Things You Need to Know About the VA and Depression

First thing you need to know is Depression can sometimes sneak up on you. One day you are driving to work and you can’t stop crying for no apparent reason. You have a headache for days or you can’t ...


Veterans frequently contact The Veterans Law Group (VLG) in cases where the VA proposes a reduction of their disability ratings. It is important to be aware that VA law provides for protection ...

What Does The VA Consider For A Mental Health Disability?

What documentation is needed for adjustment disorder?

Adjustment disorder documentation that will be needed to support a successful VA disability claim is similar to that of other psychiatric VA disability claims. This article discusses VA claims for ...

What are common signs of adjustment disorder for Veterans?

Adjustment disorder is the most commonly diagnosed mental health disorder in active duty service members, accounting for nearly one third (30.8%) of incident mental health diagnoses in the period ...

Can I receive VA Disability for Sleep Apnea?

Can veterans receive VA disability benefits for sleep apnea? Under direct or secondary connection to their military service, the answer is yes. This article spells out the VA disability process and ...

How Long After a C&P Exam Will I Get A Decision?

What is a C&P exam, and why is it important?

What to Expect at a VA Disability Benefits Appeal Hearing

The prospect of a hearing before a Veteran Law Judge (“VLJ”) may seem intimidating even for the most experienced veterans because it is an unfamiliar process.
